Omnichannel eCommerce Services for Wholesale Distributors

As the commerce landscape shifts and grows, customers’ expectations rise. Are you giving B2B buyers the experience they want? Do you need help with digital transformation?

Changing distribution channels are forcing wholesale distributors to evolve their business models. Empowered B2B customers are armed with more information than ever before, shopping on price, product selection and service comparison. They’re less likely than ever to stay loyal to a distributor for subsequent purchases and demand an online shopping experience that mimics the B2C-style experience they’ve become accustomed to.

Compound this with increased competition from manufacturers selling direct, and online marketplaces like Amazon, distributors must modernize their approach by offering connected, contextual customer experiences that exceed their buyers’ expectations.

In addition, you must be able to show compelling ROI to your executive team and benefits to your sales team in order to win their buy-in and make your digital transformation a success.

More distributors felt that executive and sales team buy-in was the main challenge for the success of their digital transformation, vs competition from Amazon.*
B2BECNews, Key findings from the 2019 US B2B ecommerce market report

Digital Wholesale Distribution Excellence by Pivotree

The connected distributor

Arm your team with the information they need by giving your field reps and customer support agents access to a 360-degree view of all customer information. By digitizing the business, wholesale distributors can create dynamic B2B and B2B2C storefronts that present real-time, contextual content. Access to data empowers connected distributors to treat each customer as an individual buyer, with personalized content and offers that increase conversion rates, average order values (AOV) and customer loyalty.

Uncovering new revenue streams

Wholesale distributors can discover new opportunities including delivery, fulfilment, inventory, logistics, etc., and distributors must constantly be thinking about new ways to expand their reach to ensure future success. The advent of digital makes it easier for established companies to venture into new opportunities, requiring less infrastructure and capital.

Cater to your buyers—wherever, whenever

Today’s B2B buyers expect the same experience they receive when shopping in their personal lives, and distributors who make it easy for customers to buy from them “anytime, anywhere” will come out on top. As mobile usage amongst B2B buyers continues to grow, with 82% of B2B buyers using their smartphone for work, having a connected omnichannel experience is more important than ever.

Product Information Management (PIM) for omnichannel customer experience management

PIM helps a company create and maintain one record of a product in a database, so it’s always up-to-date to be shared and published to all media channels. When product data is in different formats, incomplete, or inaccurate, graduating to an omnichannel commerce platform is impossible. PIM ensures your salespeople and end customers have the ability to view your product information in an up-to-date and understandable format – and can be easily and quickly updated through all channels.

Integrations & extensions for wholesale distributors

Our extensive experience integrating with ERP, CRM and OMS systems completes the omnichannel circle by letting you connect to the backend user data you already have. Hundreds of integrations to third-party services including payment gateways, email service providers, loyalty programs, fraud detection services, social media and more mean manufacturers truly achieve omnichannel success.

Get up and running quickly with Pivotree Accelerators

When you need to move fast, our quick start accelerators help you hit the ground running. We deliver an affordable, cutting-edge commerce solution that combines the highest-impact features of an enterprise-grade eCommerce system into a compact offering that packs a punch.

Research from Forrester indicates that companies who offer an omnichannel experience with targeted cross-sell and upsell opportunities benefit from higher average order values and more repeat purchases.

“Their industry experience makes them an exceptional service provider for ecommerce. They are a great partner, they have amazing people, and it’s been a wonderful journey with them. I have no doubt they will continue to provide exceptional value as we grow.”
Sufi Khan Sulaiman
Director of eCommerce and Digital

Astute Technology and Infrastructure Choices for Multiple Needs, Situations and Budgets

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A Guide to Start Selling Online Fast: How to Launch Your eCommerce Store in Under 10 Weeks

In this e-book, Pivotree provides a how-to guide for launching an eCommerce store – in 10 weeks or less – to meet the requirements of a pandemic-shaped world.

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