Get your SKU Build Demo now to learn how to clean and enrich product data, improve conversions, avoid cart abandonment, and enhance customer experience. Learn more now!

Pivotree SKU Build

Fuel eCommerce growth without the high cost of data enrichment.

60% faster time-to-market
75% lower cost to build
98% accuracy

Channel-ready Data:
Fast, Integrated, and Cost-effective

SKU Build is a service that delivers the product data you need to grow your eCommerce revenue without the high cost of data acquisition and enrichment. Powered by data experts and assisted by AI, SKU Build provides high-quality channel-ready SKUs rapidly and at scale, directly integrated with your commerce systems. And it does so without the administrative costs of operating and maintaining application systems.


Improve category revenue and the conversion rates with frictionless data onboarding.


Accelerate time to market for new SKUs with fast, integrated channel-ready data.


Reduce costs and risk with consistent, accurate product data.

Product Data Transformation Gets Results

Product data that is clean, consistent, and enriched with accurate information and the right attributes will ensure your business and consumer customers can easily find and buy the products they’re seeking. Sales will increase, product returns will decline, and loyalty to your brand will grow.

Accelerate product onboarding by 60%*

Improve product data quality with 98% accuracy

Increase product assortment without additional overhead

Cut SKU onboarding costs by 75%*

Improve ability
to scale to meet
market demand

Boost digital sales revenues and minimize returns

Boost Revenues with AI-assisted Data Transformation

Designed by taxonomists and powered by AI, SKU Build enables us to cost-effectively build product SKUs rapidly and at scale.

And the good news? We do it all for you.

SKU Diagram

Say goodbye to labor-intensive product onboarding.

Say hello to accurate, complete, channel-ready data when and where you need it. 

Extra Resources and Information


Get the Details
on SKU Build

Thumbnail of the SKU WhitePaper on an iPad

Transformed data improves revenue, lowers cost and risk

Thumbnail of the Data Governance WhitePaper on an iPad

Unlock the power of data governance

Data Management Podcast Thumbnail on iPad with play button

Podcast: Content Best Practices with Syndigo

Data Podcast Thumbnail on iPad with play button

Podcast: The Art of Perfecting Product Data

 For product data that’s channel-ready
speak to a Pivotree Client Advisor today.