Individuals are like drops of water; it’s when they come together, that they make the ocean. That’s exactly what happens in the business world as well – there’s only so much one can do alone, but when people come together as a team, they can achieve so much more. A team can collaborate on tasks, identify and resolve challenges, constantly optimize processes, and work towards the shared goal of exceeding customer expectations.

Like most enterprises, at Codifyd we believe that we can meet the evolving needs of our customers only if we built an expert team at our end. The “expert” part of that statement is made necessary by the ever-evolving portfolio of technologies that we need to work with.


Our motive of building expert teams

When it comes to building technology solutions for our clients, just having knowledge of a limited portfolio of products and solutions isn’t enough. We have partnerships with some of the best PIM and MDM solutions in the world. And those solutions are always evolving and expanding. This means that we need to keep updating our knowledge, adding more strings to our bow, and learning more.

Our approach has always been to empower our clients to reach their full digital potential through our solutions. Our customers need to have a birds-eye view of all the relevant data – at any given point in time. That means building PIM solutions that provide them always accurate, updated, and relevant product data. These solutions must be modern and innovative and must be integrated with a bevy of other systems.

In light of such complexity, we understood early on that we had to get a team of highly qualified and experienced resources together that could always leverage the best available technology to build comprehensive solutions.

Given the dynamic requirements, it was clear that a comprehensive training strategy was required.

  • Through training, we wanted to reduce ramp-up time for new team members as they faced new technology solutions while facilitating cross-training/creating well-rounded technology professionals.
  • Our training efforts should allow us to deploy resources on projects and deliver value to our clients more quickly.
  • The training strategy must be consistent, repeatable, and process-oriented so that the team can always be aligned with how Codifyd does things.


How we build one

To build the expert team within our unique context, we put together a training strategy designed to train and motivate our employees. The chosen approach was to provide standardized training videos blended with in-person knowledge checks.

The blended learning approach consisted of videos and in-person sessions; they were organized to start with the basics and lead the learner on a journey that provided contextual information that they could use in the performance of their jobs. The aim was to facilitate deep understanding.

To drive better outcomes for our customers, we embraced a training approach that not only upskilled our employees but also made them ready for any challenge that could come their way.

Taking the example of the EnterWorks Connect team that is now making use of Standardized Video training sessions to transform the way employees learn and create a more engaging experience. We have been using video training to drive real results for our customer implementations. Since video training allows information to be absorbed more quickly, it has enabled us to provide more accessible training content – anywhere, any time. Video training has not only helped us train the experienced but also helped us get new employees on board more quickly.

Since short videos and interactive trainer-trainee sessions offer easy-to-digest content, it has led to higher levels of retention. Teams are able to learn at their own pace and get access to training content for continued. Of course, video training can also be a great driver for on-demand learning.

Supplementing the standardized videos, teams also have technical and general business discussions around solution architecture. Such discussions have helped our teams brainstorm ideas, talk about challenges, strengthen decision-making, and simplify solution development.

In addition to equipping employees with skills, it is also necessary to provide them with ongoing assistance and learning support. This can be done with specific reference guides. These guides help ensure quality and consistency in training methods and enable every employee to perform a particular process in the right manner – as described in the reference document.

It has helped us standardize practices and helped us guide every employee with the same information– across multiple locations.  These reference docs serve as the foundation for building process updates and developing new processes and have enabled our teams to get access to the information they need, the minute they need it.

With a robust blended process in place, our team has been able to drive the kind of agility that our customers expect from our solution delivery. Our expert team is now able to foster an environment that serves as the basis for timely, accurate, and collaborative decision-making.

Of course, we realize that none of this is rocket science. There are a variety of learning and training options out there. The key decision is finding a way that works for your organization. This is the way that seems to work for us as we build our expert teams. How are you building yours?