Have you noticed that there are a few start-ups that grow at a frantic pace? People at other companies look at these trailblazers with jaded admiration and either think, “These folks are Einstein-esque!”, OR, “These folks are plain damn lucky!” The reality, by the way, is that neither of these assumptions is true. According to my observation, what really sets trailblazers apart is as follows:

  • Deep Knowledge of the Business Problem They Are Trying to Solve fueled by Intelligence (25% Einstein-Esque is good enough), tempered by a Keep-It-Simple mantra
  • Belief / Passion / Attitude fueled by Confidence and Drive (not just to give 100%, but to give whatever it takes), tempered by Pragmatism
  • Team Spirit that hates being second best. Fueled by Pride, tempered by Humility and Teachability.


The reason why a company like Codifyd is blazing the trail is that it possesses all of the above and, in addition to that, something more too. What we do is, of course, the best in class, but how we do it is what sets us apart. From serving our customers to writing each line of code, we are guided by the rails of Quality and Class. Companies that survive rapid growth (there are thousands that soared high but fell) are the ones who are not surprised by growth, but the ones who expect growth & hence they plan for it.

Codifyd expects the rapid growth it is experiencing as a natural result of its actions. We fall into that set of success stories, something to watch out for in 2019 and beyond!

The writer, Mr. Pratik Chakraborty – Chief Technology Officer, is responsible for leading Codifyd’s product team. His experience with mobile technology, integration, analytics, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions in growth-stage companies makes him an ideal technology leader as Codifyd shapes and develops its digital transformation practices.